Da Mo's Cave

Friday, April 07, 2006

General decline

Sleep depravatrion is taking its toll. Since Andre was born 11 months ago I've been looking forward to the day when things get back to normal. They haven't got there yet. As a matter of fact, it looks like this is it. A steady stream of interupted sleep which masks itself as restful at 8am. But waking up at 12, 2, 4, 5am, even if only for 5 or 10 minutes is taking a physical toll. I noticed that I now have trouble seeing things that are at a distance, they are blurry or double. At first I figured I just needed glasses. Everyone else in my family wears glasses; at 31 maybe it was my time to get some. I forget things often. While I am home most every day with my son, I still feel that life is hectic. In order to see patients in the evening I often must meet my wife at the train station and drive directly to the yoga room (astoriayoga.com). Then I come home and eat, wash Dre with my wife, and go to sleep. Granted, most people on this earth have it a lot tougher than me, but I miss my faculties.

I haven't been an avid reader in my life, but over the past few years I''ve been making an effort to read more, and I've opened up to a world that for whatever reason was not interesting to me before. I read the Lord of the rings series, 1984, The Bean Trees and others, I've been loving it. At this point though, I feel like reading has become to much work, mentally. My brain is bothered and confused by these words and plots that are too much of a bother to follow. The internet and TV are more my pace.

Basically I am getting dumber every day. My wife is encouraging me to read newspapers every day, which I am getting to. Maybe when Andre gets his own room and sleeps from like 8pm to 8am my faculties will come back. In the mean time my only hope is to juice up on herbs and get some more sleep.

Thue dumbage marches on.